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 New - IASME Cyber Assured
  • 08 June 2022
  • Certifications


IASME ran a scheme called IASME Governance. It was frankly cumbersome and a complete pain to do and some have tried to avoid it. Some clients are not of the size or complexity to justify a ISO27001 stream and you don’t currently require it.

All of this is now simplified with Cyber Assured set to replace IASME Governance. It maps ISO27001 but in a much easier manner. Marking and certification is also simplified so we don’t have to write such tedious reports. This lowers cost and makes it easier.

Cyber Assured will launch in July and if you have Cyber Essentials then it might be worth coming to us to have a chat about it so that we can provide you with more information.
We are here to answer your questions 24/7


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